ICBC Insurance

ICBC (Insurance Corporation of British Columbia) is the prime Auto Insurer in B.C. Provincial crown cooperation offers auto insurance, driver licensing, road safety, vehicle registration, and other services.

Island Insurance in Surrey, B.C, covers all lines of insurance and offers ICBC insurance as well. They also partner with private companies such as Family Insurance and Intact Insurance to get private auto insurance and save money on their customer premium.

ICBC insurance strives to ensure the safety of B.C. drivers and offers multiple products and services at the best coverage rates possible.

What Do We Cover?

Basic Auto Coverage

ICBC basic auto coverage is mandatory for all motor vehicle owners and drivers in B.C. The basic autoplan covers lost wages of you, your family, and the passengers involved in a car accident. The enhanced accident benefits have no limits and provide care and recovery benefits, like hospital bills, physiotherapy, dental care, home support, and more.

The basic autoplan also includes third-party liability, vehicle damage coverage, inverse liability protection, etc.

Luxury Vehicles

Certain high-value vehicles require premium insurance plans and need to fill out an application to obtain vehicle damage coverage. You can check out their site to find the list of luxury vehicles.

Following are considered luxury vehicles:

  • Vehicles with a retail price of over $150,000 whose model year falls within 7 years of the current year
  • Vehicles with a retail price of over $400,000 whose model year falls within 14 years  of the current year

Hit and Run

If the unidentified driver that causes the crash leaves the scene, then hit and run coverage will offer $200,000 worth of repair costs. You can also claim with ICBC if a property was damaged due to a hit and run.

Rental Vehicle Coverage

If you have rented a car and want to make sure it’s protected, get ICBC’s rental vehicle coverage. This insurance plan includes enhanced accident benefits, loss of use, third-party liability, collision, etc. Many rental companies offer insurance, but it is costly and covers the bare minimum, whereas ICBC offers many services and products.

Many other services are included in ICBC auto coverage, such as underinsured motorist protection, collision, comprehensive,  income top-up, specified perils, and more. By using Island Insurance services, you get the best coverage at the best rates possible.


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